About Us
Over 20 years of experience providing expert services
Ankur HR Consultancy Private Limited was incorporated in June 2013 with a commitment to provide customized solutions to corporate in the area of Talent Acquisition and other HR services. We are a Market Leader and a preferred brand name in providing best suited Human Resource services to renowned multinational Banks and NBFCs in India.
We have expertise in Bulk Hiring & Head Hunting for key positions at Middle and Senior level.
We provide manpower services to Mid and Large corporate across industry sectors round the globe. We have separate team of recruiters to work on Junior, Middle and Senior level assignments.
Our management team has over a 10+ years of Industry experience and core team is some of the industry’s most experienced professionals known for their path breaking innovations in recruitment and talent acquisition processes.
Above all, Ankur HR Consultancy Private Limited makes a positive growth in the performance of our client’s business generation and this enables us a high levels of repeat business from our existing clients and a large number of referrals from them.

Our Strategy
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Our Mission

To become the best HR Service provider in India which can enable our clients to pursue their complete potential in business with our excellence support in Talent Acquisition/Recruitment.